How Haunted? Podcast | Horrible Histories, Real Life Ghost Stories, and Paranormal Investigations from Some of the Most Haunted Places on Earth
Listen to the How Haunted? Podcast, and allow author, ghost hunter, and paranormal historian Rob Kirkup to be your guide. Each episode sees us explore one of the most haunted places across the UK, as well as the occasional trip to some of the scariest places on Planet Earth. We will look in depth at the, often dark and troubled, history of each location, and the chilling ghost stories. There will also be special follow-up episodes where Rob conducts paranormal investigations at some of these terrifying places, as well as BIG Halloween Spook-taculars. Join me, as each episode we ask the question, How Haunted? WARNING: Listener discretion is advised as each episode will gruesome tales, horrific happenings, bloody murder, and ghosts. So many ghosts. Dare you download? For an optimal listening experience, listening through headphones, while clutching a torch hiding under your blankets on a dark, stormy night is recommended. Make sure you’re not in the dark by visiting

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
This week I answer listener's questions including:
Do I believe in ghosts?
How did I get interested in the paranormal?
Which of the places covered on the podcast would I choose to spend a night at, if I could only choose one?
If you're interested in the Video Game Hall of Fame podcast I mentioned that I also appear on every fortnight, search "Video Game Hall of Fame" whereever you get your podcasts, or you can listen at The Video Game Hall of Fame on Apple Podcasts
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for as little as £1 a month. You can choose from three tiers and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. You can even get yourself some exclusive How Haunted? merch, and join me on a paranormal investigation via livestream.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
To enter the competition to win a copy of one of my new books please head over to and sponsor whatever you can afford, then drop me an email to let me know and I'll pop your name into the hat.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
A popular holiday park built around a 13th century castle. This is not your typical location for a paranormal investigation, a holiday park full of luxury caravans and holiday makers spending their weekends boating on the lake, or playing on the arcades and fruit machines. What they’re all blissfully unaware of however is the darker side of this particular holiday park. The ghosts and ghouls that roam the older parts. These include the Victorian lady who roams the Rotunda, the small child seen within the summer house, and the man seen walking through the Italian gardens.
Would I encounter any of these phantoms when my team and I investigated this holiday park one summer’s night?
Let’s find out together.
Tonight, join me for a very special episode, as in the month that my new book Paranormal Northumberland is released, we head to that very county and turn our attention, rather unusually, to Haggerston Castle Holiday Park.
Get access to the full episode right now at
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
"Darren Curtis - Demented Nightmare"
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Over the previous three episodes we’ve looked at all manner of scary, dark, places, and as we near the end of our adventure you’ll be pleased to hear that there’s still plenty of ghosts, ghouls, and all manner of otherworldly entities just lying in wait for us.
So, tonight, join me as we embark on the final leg of our Ghost Trail, and for the last time ask just how haunted is County Durham?
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for as little as £1 a month. You can choose from three tiers and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. You can even get yourself some exclusive How Haunted? merch, and join me on a paranormal investigation via livestream.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
To enter the competition to win a copy of one of my new books please head over to and sponsor whatever you can afford, then drop me an email to let me know and I'll pop your name into the hat.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
During episode 35 and 36, we’ve looked at chilling castles, horrible halls, haunted hotels, and terrifying taverns, and we’re only half way through our Ghost Trail of a county as scary, as it is stunning.
So, tonight, join me as we continue our adventure through this creepy county, and ask how haunted is County Durham?
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for as little as £1 a month. You can choose from three tiers and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. You can even get yourself some exclusive How Haunted? merch, and join me on a paranormal investigation via livestream.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
To enter the competition to win a copy of one of my new books please head over to and sponsor whatever you can afford, then drop me an email to let me know and I'll pop your name into the hat.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
In episode 35 we began our terrifying trail of County Durham, a historic county with breath-taking scenery, award winning attractions, and 11 million visitors from all over the world each and every year. And then there’s the darker side, the murder, torture, betrayal, and death that has left an eternal stain on the county, ensuring that there are so, so many places believed to be haunted, and it’s time for us to take a look at some more of them.
So, tonight, join me as we continue our tour, and ask just how haunted is County Durham?
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for as little as £1 a month. You can choose from three tiers and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. You can even get yourself some exclusive How Haunted? merch, and join me on a paranormal investigation via livestream.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
To enter the competition to win a copy of one of my new books please head over to and sponsor whatever you can afford, then drop me an email to let me know and I'll pop your name into the hat.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
This time out we’re going to take the first steps on a very exciting journey which will see us not just look at one location, we’re going to turn our attention to an entire county. A county, which has been occupied for around 4,000 years and has a rich, yet bloody, history. And then there are the spooks, specters and phantoms that are said to be found at every turn across this ancient county.
Tonight, join me for a very special episode as we begin a month-long ghost trail and ask how haunted is County Durham?
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for as little as £1 a month. You can choose from three tiers and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. You can even get yourself some exclusive How Haunted? merch, and join me on a paranormal investigation via livestream.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
To enter the competition to win a copy of one of my new books please head over to and sponsor whatever you can afford, then drop me an email to let me know and I'll pop your name into the hat.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
This is an enhanced version of episode 10 with actual audio from the investigation.
In 1985 a tunnel was found by a Scottish international rugby player, that led to an enormous underground complex, that had once been a thriving, lawless, city beneath Edinburgh.
This is a very paranormally active place indeed, with one malevolent phantom in particular being very unappreciative of the visitors who come here daily on tours.
I investigated this location a decade ago, and encountered this foul-mouthed, dangerous entity for myself, in what quickly escalated into the most dangerous investigation I had ever led.
Have the Vaults earned their reputation, as being one of the most fearsome places in Scotland?
Let's find out together, when we ask How Haunted are the Edinburgh Vaults?
There is an enhanced version of the podcast on Patreon, which includes audio from the investigation.
If you'd like to become a Patreon for £3 a month, and get yourself early access to episodes and exclusive episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night, visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one-off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
"The Graveyard" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
An impressive castle, which dates back to the early 13th century, has hosted royals and was the sight of a battle. This is a place of myths, legend, curses, and no fewer than nine ghosts. These include the tragic phantom of a woman cruelly left to die by her husband for failing to give him a son, a broken hearted trumpeter, a playful little girl, and the malevolent shade of a murderer hanged in the early 19th century.
Tonight, we head into the wilds of north east Scotland, and ask just how haunted is Fyvie Castle?
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for £3 a month, and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. There are seven special episodes available right now.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
A popular railway museum, which opened in 1975, is said to be the haunt of a number of ghosts. Paul, a violent entity who lurks in the ladies toilets, George who remains within the Travelling Post Office, and still takes huge pride in his work, many years following his passing, a tall man in a top hat, a mischievous spirit who likes to mess up the gift shop after dark, the archives has been the scene of terrifying possessions, and a haunted train carriage which was once used as a mobile brother by the Nazis during the second world war.
Would I encounter any of these phantoms when my team and I joined another group to investigate this building after dark?
Let’s find out together.
Tonight, join me for a very special episode, as I once again take on one of the scariest places in York, this time, the National Railway Museum.
Get access to the full episode right now at
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
"Darren Curtis - Demented Nightmare"
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Originally built as a children’s orphanage, before becoming a hospital, and then later a lunatic asylum. This building has bore witness to all manner of horrors, including the death of a small unloved child who was locked in a cupboard as a punishment, and forgotten about, only to be found dead later. Today knocking, banging, screaming, and sobbing is heard from within cupboards in that area, which is nicknamed the Naughty Boys Corridor.
It’s stood empty and abandoned for over 25 years, and has a growing reputation which has seen it regularly named in top 10 lists in recent years of the most haunted places to be found in the UK.
Full apparitions, and shadowy figures are seen all too often here and send people screaming in terror. Old wheelchairs and gurneys, remnants of the building’s past, move all on their own. People have reported the feeling of being pushed down and feeling sick and left physically shaking in some areas of this location. Whereas others have simply broken down in floods of tears, feeling utter despair and sadness for no apparent reason.
Tonight, let us head to one of the scariest places in Liverpool and ask just how haunted is Newsham Park Hospital?
Huge thanks to Sabrin Chandler-Lewis for helping enormously with the research for this episode.
Support How Haunted? by subscribing and leaving a review.
You can become a Patreon for £3 a month, and get yourself early access to episodes, and exclusive monthly episodes where Rob will conduct ghost hunts and you'll hear the audio from the night. There are seven special episodes available right now.
To sign up visit
Perhaps you'd rather buy me a coffee to make a one off donation to support the pod, you can do that at
Find out more about the pod at and you can email Rob at
Background music included in this episode includes:
Horror Story
Music in this episode includes:
Darren Curtis – Lurking Evil:
" HORROR PIANO MUSIC " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link :
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